Pastor Rohan Bell is by various guests from C3 Camden Picton Thirroul as they discuss some of the more confusing, complicated, challenging and sometimes confronting bible passages in the C3CPT weekly bible reading plan. Find us on the Socials… The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat Rohan Facebook: @RohanSBell Instagram: @rohanbell Ministry Matters Podcast Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul To find out more about our church locations head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. Or to find us on the Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, just search for any of our location’s names. Contact us at admin@c3thirroul.church Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
154: Luke 24 | The Resurrected King: Encounters with the Risen Christ
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Happy New Year! 🎉 In this year's final episode of The Bible. Wait, what?, we explore the joyous climax of Luke's Gospel—Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Join us as we walk with the women to the empty tomb, reflect on the incredible encounter on the road to Emmaus, and witness the risen Christ's appearances to his disciples. 🌟
We’ll unpack the significance of these transformative moments and discuss how Jesus' ascension is both the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of a new era of hope for believers.
Whether you're a seasoned theologian or someone curious about the gospel message, this episode will inspire and encourage you as we close out the Gospel of Luke and 2024!
Don't miss this life-changing conclusion to our Luke series—stream now and start your new year with renewed faith and purpose!
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#TheBibleWaitWhat #Luke24 #ResurrectionOfJesus #JesusIsAlive #AscensionOfJesus #EmptyTomb #RoadToEmmaus #FaithJourney #ChristianPodcast #ChristianYouTube #BibleStudy #C3Church #weareC3 #C3ChurchGlobal #GospelMessage #NewYearNewHope #ChristianLife
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Monday Dec 30, 2024
153: Luke 23 | The Cross and the Crown: Jesus’ Ultimate Act of Love
Monday Dec 30, 2024
Monday Dec 30, 2024
Luke 23 takes us to the harrowing trial, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus. In today’s episode, we explore:
- The Roman Trial: Pilate and Herod pass judgment, and the crowd demands Barabbas’ release.
- The Crucifixion: Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, his words of forgiveness, and the contrasting responses of the thieves.
- A King Mocked: The bitter irony of Jesus being hailed as “King of the Jews.”
- The Burial: Joseph of Arimathea and the significance of Jesus’ burial in a rich man’s tomb.
Join Pastor Rohan and Adrian as they reflect on the atonement, the humanity of Jesus, and the depth of God’s love for us.
#Luke23 #JesusTrial #Crucifixion #JesusSacrifice #AtOneMent #Barabbas #Forgiveness #TheBurial #ChristianPodcast #weareC3 #C3ChurchGlobal
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Luke 22 is an emotional, action-packed chapter filled with pivotal moments leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. In today’s episode, we discuss:
- The Plot Against Jesus: How betrayal and conspiracy unfold in the shadows.
- The Last Supper: Jesus institutes a new covenant, fulfilling the Passover and giving us the Lord’s Supper.
- Peter’s Denial: The heartbreaking prediction and its ultimate redemption.
- Gethsemane: Jesus’ anguish, prayer, and surrender to the Father’s will.
- Betrayed with a Kiss: The tragic betrayal by Judas, and Peter’s impulsive act in the garden.
Join Pastor Rohan and Adrian as they dive into this chapter’s themes of betrayal, humility, and Jesus’ unfathomable love and sacrifice.
#Luke22 #LastSupper #Gethsemane #PetersDenial #JudasBetrayal #Humility #JesusSacrifice #PassoverFulfilled #ChristianPodcast #weareC3 #C3ChurchGlobal
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
151: Luke 21 | Keep Alert: Jesus’ Call to Faithfulness Amid Trials
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Luke 21 dives into some powerful and challenging teachings from Jesus, including the widow's offering and the famous Olivet Discourse. In today’s episode, we explore:
- The Widow’s Gift: What does true generosity look like, and why does Jesus commend her?
- Prophetic Insights: Jesus’ predictions about the destruction of the temple and the trials His followers will face.
- Enduring Faith: How should we live in light of uncertainty and the reality of a coming kingdom?
- Living Ready: The call to be prepared, alert, and faithful in every season.
Adrian Gallagher joins Pastor Rohan to reflect on themes of faith, sacrifice, and the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus, especially when life gets challenging.
#Luke21 #WidowsOffering #OlivetDiscourse #FaithfulGiving #ChristianPodcast #BibleTeaching #KingdomFocus #EndTimes #Preparedness #LivingReady #weareC3 #C3ChurchGlobal
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
150: Luke 20 | Jesus' Divine Authority: How He Challenges Earthly Authorities
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
Luke 20 takes us deeper into Passion Week, as Jesus faces relentless challenges from religious leaders. What unfolds is a masterclass in wisdom, humility, and kingdom principles. In this episode, we unpack:
- Authority Questioned: By what authority does Jesus teach and act? His response teaches us about discernment and trust.
- The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: A scathing critique of religious leaders and a call to faithfulness.
- Paying Taxes to Caesar: What belongs to God and what belongs to this world?
- The Resurrection Debate: Jesus silences the Sadducees and reveals profound truths about the life to come.
- Warnings Against Hypocrisy: The danger of pride, power, and abusing God's people.
Adrian Gallagher joins Pastor Rohan to reflect on the humility and wisdom of Jesus as He confronts religious hypocrisy while remaining focused on His mission of love and redemption.
#Luke20 #AuthorityOfJesus #ParableOfTheTenants #PayingTaxes #Sadducees #Hypocrisy #HumbleKing #C3ChurchGlobal #ChristianPodcast #BibleTeaching #KingdomPrinciples #FaithInAction
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
149: Luke 19 | The Humble King: Jesus' Upside-Down Unexpected Mission
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Luke 19 takes us from Zacchaeus’ tree-climbing faith to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, revealing deep truths about repentance, stewardship, and humility. Join us as we discuss:
- Zacchaeus' Transformation: A sinner becomes a generous follower of Jesus.
- The Parable of the Ten Servants: Faithful stewardship and the call to use what God has given us.
- Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem: Heartfelt compassion for the lost.
- The Triumphal Entry: A humble King on a donkey, redefining what it means to reign.
- Cleansing the Temple: Righteous anger against injustice.
Adrian Gallagher joins Rohan again to explore the profound lessons in this chapter. Together, we uncover how Jesus challenges our assumptions and calls us to a life of surrender, humility, and faithful action.
#Luke19 #Zacchaeus #TriumphalEntry #KingdomStewardship #FaithInAction #TempleCleansing #JesusWeeps #Repentance #HumbleKing #C3ChurchGlobal #weareC3 #ChristianPodcast #BibleTeaching #LifeTransformation #JesusSaves
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Monday Dec 23, 2024
148: Luke 18 | Childlike Trust: The Key to the Kingdom
Monday Dec 23, 2024
Monday Dec 23, 2024
Dive into Luke 18 as we explore Jesus’ parables on persistence, humility, and childlike faith. This episode unpacks:
- The Persistent Widow: Discover the power of desperate, faith-filled prayer.
- The Pharisee and the Tax Collector: How humility, not works, draws us closer to God.
- Childlike Faith: Why entering God’s kingdom requires simple, trusting dependence.
- The Rich Young Ruler: What does it mean to truly surrender?
- Blind Bartimaeus: Faith that cries out for Jesus brings transformation.
Adrian Gallagher joins Rohan to share his journey of surrender and growth in faith, inspiring us to trust God with every step. This conversation is packed with insights to encourage you as you embrace the kingdom of God like a little child.
#Luke18 #PersistentFaith #ChildlikeFaith #RichYoungRuler #BlindBartimaeus #C3ChurchGlobal #weareC3 #FaithJourney #JesusTeaches #BiblePodcast #DailyPrayer #Humility #KingdomLiving #ChristianPodcast
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Key Themes and Discussion Points:
Forgiveness and Faith 🙌
- The Mustard Seed Analogy: Even a small amount of faith can lead to transformative forgiveness.
- Practical Takeaway: Reflect on those you need to forgive, trusting God to give you the strength to extend grace.
Humility in Service 💧
- The Unworthy Servant: Stay grounded in gratitude, remembering that we serve out of love and not entitlement.
- Reflection: How can humility shape your daily actions and your relationship with God?
Healing and Gratitude ❤️
- The Ten Lepers: Only one returned to thank Jesus, receiving full healing and wholeness.
- Challenge: What can you intentionally thank God for today? Gratitude leads to deeper faith and spiritual renewal.
The Kingdom of God is Here 🌍
- Not What They Expected: Jesus redefines the kingdom as something within us, growing outward through love, forgiveness, and service.
- Living Ready: How can you live with expectation for Christ’s return by embodying the kingdom now?
Reflection Questions:
Forgiveness and Gratitude:
- How has God’s forgiveness changed your life? How can you offer the same grace to others?
- In what ways can you live with greater gratitude this Christmas?
Humility and Readiness:
- Are there areas in your life where entitlement has crept in? How can humility draw you closer to God?
- What steps can you take to prepare for Jesus’ return by living out kingdom values daily?
Faith in Action:
- How does the mustard seed analogy challenge or encourage your faith journey?
#ForgivenessAndFaith #KingdomLiving #GratitudeMatters #HumilityInAction #WeAreC3 #C3ChurchGlobal
Find us on the Socials…
The Bible. Wait… What?! Podcast
Facebook: @thebiblewaitwhat
Instagram: @thebiblewaitwhat
Facebook: @RohanSBell
Instagram: @rohanbell
Ministry Matters Podcast
Facebook: @ministrymatterspodcast
Instagram: @ministrymatterspodcast
C3 Church Camden Picton Thirroul
To find out more about our church locations, head to c3camden.church, c3picton.church or c3thirroul.church. To find us on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, search for any of our location's names.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/vacation-beat License code: KIRTRVPQWAFFGING

The Bible. Wait… What?!
Pastor Rohan Bell is joined by some of the team from C3 Camden Picton Thirroul as they question him about the confusing, complicated, challenging and sometimes confronting bible passages in the C3CPT weekly bible reading plan.